Welcome to Dead Felons! We hope you enjoy your stay!

Who are you?

If we are being honest, we are nobody. We are broken with crippling mental health issues and somehow that makes us interesting enough that you are here now. So buckle up and enjoy the spiral!

What is this place?

Dead Felons is many things to many people. For some it's a place purely for entertainment and to others it's a sanctuary from society and all its problems, and finally for some it's their personal hell. We try not to judge and welcome all to our corner of the internet.

So is this a blog?

Sure. Maybe. It might be a blog or it could be a digital stream of consciousness purely for the amusement of others. Some of what you read here could be for humor or maybe it's to provoke thought and a different way of thinking about something. Either way, the point is to feel something. We really hope that you feel something even if it's anger because you don't agree. If you don't feel anything, then you might be broken and if you're broken then you'll fit in well here. We will be here for you. Welcome to our community.

What's with the name? It kind of sucks.

It's a name. Everything has to have a name. Sorry we can't all be named Paul. Ever think that maybe you suck? No? Maybe you should. It will help you be better, Paul!

Something on here offended me!

We get that! Something on here is bound to offend someone. But here's the thing...you're a grown up. No one is forcing you to be here. If you don't like it here, no one is forcing you to stay. By all means, please enjoy the conveniently located button below. Have a blessed day!

Get Outta Here!